Network Interfaces
Network interfaces exist at the transport layer of abstraction. You can write your own network interface or you can use the recommended one that redux-query provides: redux-query-interface-superagent, which performs cancellable XHR requests using the superagent library.
Writing your own network interface
Network interfaces have the following interface:
type NetworkInterface = (
url: string,
method: 'DELETE' | 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH',
networkOptions: {
body: ?any,
headers: ?{ [key: string]: any },
credentials: ?('include' | 'same-origin' | 'omit'),
) => NetworkHandler;
Network interfaces must return an object, called a "network handler", that has two functions: execute
and abort
. Execute takes a callback that should be called when the query response has been received. Network interfaces should build mechanisms to cancel queries and avoid calling the execute
callback if a query has been cancelled.
type NetworkHandler = {|
abort: () => void,
execute: (
callback: (
error: any,
status: number,
responseBody: ?any,
responseText: ?string,
responseHeaders: ?{ [key: string]: any },
) => void,
) => void,
Network interfaces are a required parameter when configuring your redux store redux-query middleware:
const store = createStore(
applyMiddleware(queryMiddlewareAdvanced(myNetworkInterface, getQueries, getEntities)),