

var identify = new amplitude.Identify();

Identify API - instance constructor. Identify objects are a wrapper for user property operations. Each method adds a user property operation to the Identify object, and returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together. Note: if the same user property is used in multiple operations on a single Identify object, only the first operation on that property will be saved, and the rest will be ignored.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().add('karma', 1).add('friends', 1);
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Increment a user property by a given value (can also be negative to decrement). If the user property does not have a value set yet, it will be initialized to 0 before being incremented.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string) The amount by which to increment the user property. Allows numbers as strings (ex: '123').

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().append('ab-tests', 'new-user-tests');
identify.append('some_list', [1, 2, 3, 4, 'values']);
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Append a value or values to a user property. If the user property does not have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are appended. If the user property has an existing value and it is not a list, the existing value will be converted into a list with the new values appended.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string|list|object) A value or values to append. Values can be numbers, strings, lists, or object (key:value dict will be flattened).

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().prepend('ab-tests', 'new-user-tests');
identify.prepend('some_list', [1, 2, 3, 4, 'values']);
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Prepend a value or values to a user property. Prepend means inserting the value or values at the front of a list. If the user property does not have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are prepended. If the user property has an existing value and it is not a list, the existing value will be converted into a list with the new values prepended.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string|list|object) A value or values to prepend. Values can be numbers, strings, lists, or object (key:value dict will be flattened).

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().set('user_type', 'beta');
identify.set('name', {'first': 'John', 'last': 'Doe'}); // dict is flattened and becomes name.first: John, name.last: Doe
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Sets the value of a given user property. If a value already exists, it will be overwriten with the new value.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string|list|boolean|object) A value or values to set. Values can be numbers, strings, lists, or object (key:value dict will be flattened).

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().setOnce('sign_up_date', '2016-04-01');
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Sets the value of a given user property only once. Subsequent setOnce operations on that user property will be ignored; however, that user property can still be modified through any of the other operations. Useful for capturing properties such as 'initial_signup_date', 'initial_referrer', etc.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string|list|boolean|object) A value or values to set once. Values can be numbers, strings, lists, or object (key:value dict will be flattened).

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


var identify = new amplitude.Identify().unset('user_type').unset('age');
amplitude.identify(identify); // send the Identify call

Unset and remove a user property. This user property will no longer show up in a user's profile.


  • property (string) The user property key.

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.


Preinsert a value or values to a user property, if it does not exist in the user property already. Preinsert means inserting the value or values to the beginning of the specified user property. If the item already exists in the user property, it will be a no-op.


  • property (string) The user property key.

  • value (number|string|list|object) A value or values to insert.

Return Value

  • (Identify) Returns the same Identify object, allowing you to chain multiple method calls together.