ISPCertificatePinning Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in ISPCertificatePinning.h


This class implements certificate pinning utility functions.

First, the certificates and domains to pin should be loaded using setupSSLPinsUsingDictionnary:. This method will store them in “~/Library/SSLPins.plist”.

Then, the verifyPinnedCertificateForTrust:andDomain: method can be used to validate that at least one the certificates pinned to a specific domain is in the server’s certificate chain when connecting to it. This method should be used for example in the connection:willSendRequestForAuthenticationChallenge: method of the NSURLConnectionDelegate object that is used to perform the connection.

Alternatively, the ISPPinnedNSURLSessionDelegate or ISPPinnedNSURLConnectionDelegate classes can be directly used to create a delegate class performing certificate pinning.

+ setupSSLPinsUsingDictionnary:

Certificate pinning loading method

+ (BOOL)setupSSLPinsUsingDictionnary:(NSDictionary *)domainsAndCertificates



a dictionnary with domain names as keys and arrays of DER-encoded certificates as values

Return Value

BOOL successfully loaded the public keys and domains


Certificate pinning loading method

This method takes a dictionary with domain names as keys and arrays of DER- encoded certificates as values, and stores them in a pre-defined location on the filesystem. The ability to specify multiple certificates for a single domain is useful when transitioning from an expiring certificate to a new one.

Declared In


+ verifyPinnedCertificateForTrust:andDomain:

Certificate pinning validation method

+ (BOOL)verifyPinnedCertificateForTrust:(SecTrustRef)trust andDomain:(NSString *)domain



the trust object whose certificate chain must contain the certificate previously pinned to the given domain


the domain we’re trying to connect to

Return Value

BOOL found the domain’s pinned certificate in the trust object’s certificate chain


Certificate pinning validation method

This method accesses the certificates previously loaded using the setupSSLPinsUsingDictionnary: method and inspects the trust object’s certificate chain in order to find at least one certificate pinned to the given domain. SecTrustEvaluate() should always be called before this method to ensure that the certificate chain is valid.

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