Amplitude Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in Amplitude.h


Amplitude iOS SDK.

Use the Amplitude SDK to track events in your application.


  1. In every file that uses analytics, import Amplitude.h at the top #import "Amplitude.h"
  2. Be sure to initialize the API in your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions delegate [[Amplitude instance] initializeApiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY_HERE"];
  3. Track an event anywhere in the app [[Amplitude instance] logEvent:@"EVENT_IDENTIFIER_HERE"];
  4. You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object:

     NSMutableDictionary *eventProperties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
     [eventProperties setValue:@"VALUE_GOES_HERE" forKey:@"KEY_GOES_HERE"];
     [[Amplitude instance] logEvent:@"Compute Hash" withEventProperties:eventProperties];

Note: you should call SDK methods on an Amplitude instance, for example logging events with the default instance: [[Amplitude instance] logEvent:@"testEvent"];

Note: the SDK supports tracking data to multiple Amplitude apps, via separate named instances. For example: [[Amplitude instanceWithName:@"app1"] logEvent:@"testEvent"]; See Tracking Events to Multiple Apps.

For more details on the setup and usage, be sure to checkout the README

Other Methods

+ instance

This fetches the default SDK instance. Recommended if you are only logging events to a single app.

+ (Amplitude *)instance

Return Value

the default Amplitude SDK instance


This fetches the default SDK instance. Recommended if you are only logging events to a single app.

Declared In


+ instanceWithName:

This fetches a named SDK instance. Use this if logging events to multiple Amplitude apps.

+ (Amplitude *)instanceWithName:(NSString *)instanceName



the name of the SDK instance to fetch.

Return Value

the Amplitude SDK instance corresponding to instanceName


This fetches a named SDK instance. Use this if logging events to multiple Amplitude apps.

Declared In


– initializeApiKey:

Initializes the Amplitude instance with your Amplitude API key

- (void)initializeApiKey:(NSString *)apiKey



Your Amplitude key obtained from your dashboard at


Initializes the Amplitude instance with your Amplitude API key

We recommend you first initialize your class within your “didFinishLaunchingWithOptions” method inside your app delegate.

Note: this is required before you can log any events.

Declared In


– initializeApiKey:userId:

Initialize Amplitude with a given apiKey and userId.

- (void)initializeApiKey:(NSString *)apiKey userId:(NSString *)userId


Initialize Amplitude with a given apiKey and userId.

Declared In


– initializeApiKey:userId:setUserId:

SetUserId: client explicitly initialized with a userId (can be nil). If setUserId is NO, then attempt to load userId from saved eventsData.

- (void)initializeApiKey:(NSString *)apiKey userId:(NSString *)userId setUserId:(BOOL)setUserId


SetUserId: client explicitly initialized with a userId (can be nil). If setUserId is NO, then attempt to load userId from saved eventsData.

Declared In


– checkInForeground

Manually check in and set the forground related settings including dynamic config and sesstion. Need to be called manually when onEnterForeground if deferCheckInForeground = true.

- (void)checkInForeground


Manually check in and set the forground related settings including dynamic config and sesstion. Need to be called manually when onEnterForeground if deferCheckInForeground = true.

Declared In


– runOnBackgroundQueue:

Run a block in the background. If already in the background, run immediately.

- (BOOL)runOnBackgroundQueue:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))block


Run a block in the background. If already in the background, run immediately.

Declared In


– runSynchronouslyOnMainQueue:

Run a block on the main thread. If already on the main thread, run immediately.

- (void)runSynchronouslyOnMainQueue:(void ( ^ ) ( void ))block


Run a block on the main thread. If already on the main thread, run immediately.

Declared In


– logEvent:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType



The name of the event you wish to track.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

See Also

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

See Also

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:outOfSession:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties outOfSession:(BOOL)outOfSession



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


If YES, will track the event as out of session. Useful for push notification events.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:withGroups:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties withGroups:(NSDictionary *)groups



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


You can specify event-level groups for this user by passing a NSDictionary object with groupType: groupName pairs. Note the keys need to be strings, and the values can either be strings or an array of strings.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:withGroups:outOfSession:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties withGroups:(NSDictionary *)groups outOfSession:(BOOL)outOfSession



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


You can specify event-level groups for this user by passing a NSDictionary object with groupType: groupName pairs. Note the keys need to be strings, and the values can either be strings or an array of strings.


If YES, will track the event as out of session. Useful for push notification events.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:withGroups:withLongLongTimestamp:outOfSession:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties withGroups:(NSDictionary *)groups withLongLongTimestamp:(long long)longLongTimestamp outOfSession:(BOOL)outOfSession



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


You can specify event-level groups for this user by passing a NSDictionary object with groupType: groupName pairs. Note the keys need to be strings, and the values can either be strings or an array of strings.


You can specify a custom timestamp by passing the milliseconds since epoch UTC time as a long long.


If YES, will track the event as out of session. Useful for push notification events.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

Declared In


– logEvent:withEventProperties:withGroups:withTimestamp:outOfSession:

Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

- (void)logEvent:(NSString *)eventType withEventProperties:(NSDictionary *)eventProperties withGroups:(NSDictionary *)groups withTimestamp:(NSNumber *)timestamp outOfSession:(BOOL)outOfSession



The name of the event you wish to track.


You can attach additional data to any event by passing a NSDictionary object with property: value pairs.


You can specify event-level groups for this user by passing a NSDictionary object with groupType: groupName pairs. Note the keys need to be strings, and the values can either be strings or an array of strings.


You can specify a custom timestamp by passing an NSNumber representing the milliseconds since epoch UTC time. We recommend using [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:milliseconds] to create the value. If nil is passed in, then the event will be timestamped with the current time.


If YES, will track the event as out of session. Useful for push notification events.


Tracks an event. Events are saved locally.

Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events or every 30 seconds (whichever comes first), as well as on app close.

Declared In


– logRevenue:

Tracks revenue.

- (void)logRevenue:(NSNumber *)amount



The amount of revenue to track, e.g. “3.99”.


Tracks revenue.

To track revenue from a user, call [[Amplitude instance] logRevenue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:3.99]] each time the user generates revenue. logRevenue: takes in an NSNumber with the dollar amount of the sale as the only argument. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

Declared In


– logRevenue:quantity:price:

Tracks revenue. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

- (void)logRevenue:(NSString *)productIdentifier quantity:(NSInteger)quantity price:(NSNumber *)price



The identifier for the product in the transaction, e.g. “com.amplitude.productId”


The number of products in the transaction. Revenue amount is calculated as quantity * price


The price of the products in the transaction. Revenue amount is calculated as quantity * price


Tracks revenue. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

Declared In


– logRevenue:quantity:price:receipt:

Tracks revenue. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

- (void)logRevenue:(NSString *)productIdentifier quantity:(NSInteger)quantity price:(NSNumber *)price receipt:(NSData *)receipt



The identifier for the product in the transaction, e.g. “com.amplitude.productId”


The number of products in the transaction. Revenue amount is calculated as quantity * price


The price of the products in the transaction. Revenue amount is calculated as quantity * price


The receipt data from the App Store. Required if you want to verify this revenue event.


Tracks revenue. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

For validating revenue, use [[Amplitude instance] logRevenue:@“” quantity:1 price:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:3.99] receipt:transactionReceipt]

Declared In


– logRevenueV2:

Tracks revenue - API v2. This uses the AMPRevenue object to store transaction properties such as quantity, price, and revenue type. This is the recommended method for tracking revenue in Amplitude.

- (void)logRevenueV2:(AMPRevenue *)revenue



AMPRevenue object revenue object contains all revenue information


Tracks revenue - API v2. This uses the AMPRevenue object to store transaction properties such as quantity, price, and revenue type. This is the recommended method for tracking revenue in Amplitude.

For validating revenue, make sure the receipt data is set on the AMPRevenue object.

To track revenue from a user, create an AMPRevenue object each time the user generates revenue, and set the revenue properties (productIdentifier, price, quantity). logRevenuev2: takes in an AMPRevenue object. This allows us to automatically display data relevant to revenue on the Amplitude website, including average revenue per daily active user (ARPDAU), 7, 30, and 90 day revenue, lifetime value (LTV) estimates, and revenue by advertising campaign cohort and daily/weekly/monthly cohorts.

See Also

Declared In


– continueUserActivity:

Call to send the Deep Link Opened event, only when defaultTracking.deepLinks is enabled.

- (void)continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)activity


Call to send the Deep Link Opened event, only when defaultTracking.deepLinks is enabled.

Declared In


– uploadEvents

Manually forces the instance to immediately upload all unsent events.

- (void)uploadEvents


Manually forces the instance to immediately upload all unsent events.

Events are saved locally. Uploads are batched to occur every 30 events and every 30 seconds, as well as on app close. Use this method to force the class to immediately upload all queued events.

Declared In


– startOrContinueSessionNSNumber:inForeground:

Creates a new session if we are in the background and the current session is expired or if there is no current session ID]. Otherwise extends the session.

- (BOOL)startOrContinueSessionNSNumber:(NSNumber *)timestamp inForeground:(BOOL)inForeground


Creates a new session if we are in the background and the current session is expired or if there is no current session ID]. Otherwise extends the session.

Returns YES if a new session was created.

Declared In


– startOrContinueSession:

Call to check if the SDK is ready to start a new session at timestamp. Returns YES if a new session was started, otherwise NO and current session is extended. Only use if you know what you are doing. Recommended to use current time in UTC milliseconds for timestamp.

- (BOOL)startOrContinueSession:(long long)timestamp


Call to check if the SDK is ready to start a new session at timestamp. Returns YES if a new session was started, otherwise NO and current session is extended. Only use if you know what you are doing. Recommended to use current time in UTC milliseconds for timestamp.

Declared In


– setSessionId:

Sets the session ID in memory and persists it to disk.

- (void)setSessionId:(long long)timestamp


Sets the session ID in memory and persists it to disk.

Declared In


– refreshSessionTime:

Update the session timer if there’s a running session.

- (void)refreshSessionTime:(NSNumber *)timestamp


Update the session timer if there’s a running session.

Declared In


– identify:

Update user properties using operations provided via Identify API.

- (void)identify:(AMPIdentify *)identify



An AMPIdentify object with the intended user property operations


Update user properties using operations provided via Identify API.

To update user properties, first create an AMPIdentify object. For example if you wanted to set a user’s gender, and then increment their karma count by 1, you would do:

AMPIdentify *identify = [[[AMPIdentify identify] set:@"gender" value:@"male"] add:@"karma" value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];

Then you would pass this AMPIdentify object to the identify function to send to the server:

[[Amplitude instance] identify:identify];

Declared In


– identify:outOfSession:

Update user properties using operations provided via Identify API. If outOfSession is YES then the identify event is logged with a session id of -1 and does not trigger any session-handling logic.

- (void)identify:(AMPIdentify *)identify outOfSession:(BOOL)outOfSession



An AMPIdentify object with the intended user property operations


Whether to log identify event out of session


Update user properties using operations provided via Identify API. If outOfSession is YES then the identify event is logged with a session id of -1 and does not trigger any session-handling logic.

To update user properties, first create an AMPIdentify object. For example if you wanted to set a user’s gender, and then increment their karma count by 1, you would do:

AMPIdentify *identify = [[[AMPIdentify identify] set:@“gender” value:@“male”] add:@“karma” value:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];

Then you would pass this AMPIdentify object to the identify function to send to the server:

[[Amplitude instance] identify:identify outOfSession:YES];

Declared In


– setUserProperties:

Adds properties that are tracked on the user level.

- (void)setUserProperties:(NSDictionary *)userProperties



An NSDictionary containing any additional data to be tracked.


Adds properties that are tracked on the user level.

Note: Property keys must be NSString objects and values must be serializable.

Declared In


– setUserProperties:replace:

Adds properties that are tracked on the user level.

- (void)setUserProperties:(NSDictionary *)userProperties replace:(BOOL)replace



An NSDictionary containing any additional data to be tracked.


In earlier versions of this SDK, this replaced the in-memory userProperties dictionary with the input, but now userProperties are no longer stored in memory, so this parameter does nothing.


Adds properties that are tracked on the user level.

Note: Property keys must be NSString objects and values must be serializable.

Declared In


– clearUserProperties

Clears all properties that are tracked on the user level.

- (void)clearUserProperties


Clears all properties that are tracked on the user level.

Note: the result is irreversible!

Declared In


– setGroup:groupName:

Adds a user to a group or groups. You need to specify a groupType and groupName(s).

- (void)setGroup:(NSString *)groupType groupName:(NSObject *)groupName



You need to specify a group type (for example “orgId”).


The value for the group name, can be a string or an array of strings, (for example for groupType orgId, the groupName would be the actual id number, like 15).


Adds a user to a group or groups. You need to specify a groupType and groupName(s).

For example you can group people by their organization. In that case groupType is “orgId”, and groupName would be the actual ID(s). groupName can be a string or an array of strings to indicate a user in multiple groups.

You can also call setGroup multiple times with different groupTypes to track multiple types of groups (up to 5 per app).

Note: this will also set groupType: groupName as a user property.

See Also

Declared In


– setTrackingOptions:

By default the iOS SDK will track several user properties such as carrier, city, country, ip_address, language, platform, etc. You can use the provided AMPTrackingOptions interface to customize and disable individual fields.

- (void)setTrackingOptions:(AMPTrackingOptions *)options


By default the iOS SDK will track several user properties such as carrier, city, country, ip_address, language, platform, etc. You can use the provided AMPTrackingOptions interface to customize and disable individual fields.

Note: Each operation on the AMPTrackingOptions object returns the same instance which allows you to chain multiple operations together.

  AMPTrackingOptions *options = [[[[AMPTrackingOptions options] disableCity] disableIPAddress] disablePlatform];
  [[Amplitude instance] setTrackingOptions:options];

Declared In


– enableCoppaControl

Enable COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking. This can be used by any customer that does not want to collect IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking.

- (void)enableCoppaControl


Enable COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking. This can be used by any customer that does not want to collect IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking.

Declared In


– disableCoppaControl

Disable COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking.

- (void)disableCoppaControl


Disable COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) restrictions on IDFA, IDFV, city, IP address and location tracking.

Declared In


– setUserId:

Sets the userId and starts a new session.

- (void)setUserId:(NSString *)userId



If your app has its own login system that you want to track users with, you can set the userId.


Sets the userId and starts a new session.

Declared In


– setUserId:startNewSession:

Sets the userId. If startNewSession is true, the previous session for the previous user will be terminated and a new session will begin for the new userId.

- (void)setUserId:(NSString *)userId startNewSession:(BOOL)startNewSession



If your app has its own login system that you want to track users with, you can set the userId.


Terminates previous user session and creates a new one for the new user


Sets the userId. If startNewSession is true, the previous session for the previous user will be terminated and a new session will begin for the new userId.

Declared In


– setOptOut:

Enables tracking opt out.

- (void)setOptOut:(BOOL)enabled



Whether tracking opt out should be enabled or disabled.


Enables tracking opt out.

If the user wants to opt out of all tracking, use this method to enable opt out for them. Once opt out is enabled, no events will be saved locally or sent to the server. Calling this method again with enabled set to NO will turn tracking back on for the user.

Declared In


– setOffline:

Disables sending logged events to Amplitude servers.

- (void)setOffline:(BOOL)offline



Whether logged events should be sent to Amplitude servers.


Disables sending logged events to Amplitude servers.

If you want to stop logged events from being sent to Amplitude severs, use this method to set the client to offline. Once offline is enabled, logged events will not be sent to the server until offline is disabled. Calling this method again with offline set to NO will allow events to be sent to server and the client will attempt to send events that have been queued while offline.

Declared In


– setServerUrl:

Sends events to a different URL other than kAMPEventLogUrl. Used for proxy servers

- (void)setServerUrl:(NSString *)serverUrl


Sends events to a different URL other than kAMPEventLogUrl. Used for proxy servers

We now have a new method setServerZone. To send data to Amplitude’s EU servers, recommend to use setServerZone method like [client setServerZone:EU]

Declared In


– setContentTypeHeader:

Sets Content-Type header for event sending requests

- (void)setContentTypeHeader:(NSString *)contentType


Sets Content-Type header for event sending requests

Declared In


– updateEventUploadMaxBatchSize:

Sets event upload max batch size. This controls the maximum number of events sent with each upload request.

- (void)updateEventUploadMaxBatchSize:(int)eventUploadMaxBatchSize



Set the event upload max batch size


Sets event upload max batch size. This controls the maximum number of events sent with each upload request.

Declared In


– optOut

Whether or to opt the current user out of tracking. If true then this blocks the logging of any events and properties, and blocks the sending of events to Amplitude servers.

- (BOOL)optOut


Whether or to opt the current user out of tracking. If true then this blocks the logging of any events and properties, and blocks the sending of events to Amplitude servers.

Declared In


– setDeviceId:

Sets the deviceId.

- (void)setDeviceId:(NSString *)deviceId



If your app has its own system for tracking devices, you can set the deviceId.


Sets the deviceId.

NOTE: not recommended unless you know what you are doing

Declared In


– regenerateDeviceId

Regenerates a new random deviceId for current user. Note: this is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. This can be used in conjunction with setUserId:nil to anonymize users after they log out. With a nil userId and a completely new deviceId, the current user would appear as a brand new user in dashboard.

- (void)regenerateDeviceId


Regenerates a new random deviceId for current user. Note: this is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. This can be used in conjunction with setUserId:nil to anonymize users after they log out. With a nil userId and a completely new deviceId, the current user would appear as a brand new user in dashboard.

Declared In


– useAdvertisingIdForDeviceId

Uses advertisingIdentifier instead of identifierForVendor as the device ID

- (void)useAdvertisingIdForDeviceId


Uses advertisingIdentifier instead of identifierForVendor as the device ID

Apple prohibits the use of advertisingIdentifier if your app does not have advertising. Useful for tying together data from advertising campaigns to anlaytics data.

NOTE: Must be called before initializeApiKey: is called to function.

Declared In


– setServerZone:

Set Amplitude Server Zone, switch to zone related configuration, including dynamic configuration and server url. To send data to Amplitude’s EU servers, you need to configure the serverZone to EU like [client setServerZone:EU]

- (void)setServerZone:(AMPServerZone)serverZone


Set Amplitude Server Zone, switch to zone related configuration, including dynamic configuration and server url. To send data to Amplitude’s EU servers, you need to configure the serverZone to EU like [client setServerZone:EU]

Declared In


– setServerZone:updateServerUrl:

Set Amplitude Server Zone, switch to zone related configuration, including dynamic configuration and server url. If updateServerUrl is true, including server url as well. Recommend to keep updateServerUrl to be true for alignment.

- (void)setServerZone:(AMPServerZone)serverZone updateServerUrl:(BOOL)updateServerUrl


Set Amplitude Server Zone, switch to zone related configuration, including dynamic configuration and server url. If updateServerUrl is true, including server url as well. Recommend to keep updateServerUrl to be true for alignment.

Declared In


– addEventMiddleware:

Adds a new middleware function to run on each logEvent() call prior to sending to Amplitude.

- (void)addEventMiddleware:(id<AMPMiddleware> _Nonnull)middleware


Adds a new middleware function to run on each logEvent() call prior to sending to Amplitude.

Declared In


– setIdentifyUploadPeriodSeconds:

The amount of time after an identify is logged that identify events will be batched before being uploaded to the server. The default is 30 seconds.

- (BOOL)setIdentifyUploadPeriodSeconds:(int)uploadPeriodSeconds


The amount of time after an identify is logged that identify events will be batched before being uploaded to the server. The default is 30 seconds.

Declared In


– disableIdentifyBatching:


- (void)disableIdentifyBatching:(BOOL)disable



Declared In


– getDeviceId

Fetches the deviceId, a unique identifier shared between multiple users using the same app on the same device.

- (NSString *)getDeviceId

Return Value

the deviceId.


Fetches the deviceId, a unique identifier shared between multiple users using the same app on the same device.

Declared In


– getSessionId

Fetches the current sessionId, an identifier used by Amplitude to group together events tracked during the same session.

- (long long)getSessionId

Return Value

the current session id


Fetches the current sessionId, an identifier used by Amplitude to group together events tracked during the same session.

Declared In


– printEventsCount

Prints the number of events in the queue.

- (void)printEventsCount


Prints the number of events in the queue.

Debugging method to find out how many events are being stored locally on the device.

Declared In


– upgradePrefs

Move all preference data from the legacy name to the new, static name if needed.

- (BOOL)upgradePrefs


Move all preference data from the legacy name to the new, static name if needed.

Data used to be in the NSCachesDirectory, which would sometimes be cleared unexpectedly, resulting in data loss. We move the data from NSCachesDirectory to the current location in NSLibraryDirectory.

Declared In


Other Methods


API key for your Amplitude App.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *apiKey


API key for your Amplitude App.

Declared In



Identifier for the current user.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *userId


Identifier for the current user.

Declared In



Identifier for the current device.

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *deviceId


Identifier for the current device.

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Name of the SDK instance (ex: no name for default instance, or custom name for a named instance)

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *instanceName


Name of the SDK instance (ex: no name for default instance, or custom name for a named instance)

Declared In



Turning this flag on will find the best server url automatically based on users' geo location. Note: 1. If you have your own proxy server and use setServerUrl API, please leave this off. 2. If you have users in China Mainland, we suggest you turn this on.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL useDynamicConfig


Turning this flag on will find the best server url automatically based on users' geo location. Note: 1. If you have your own proxy server and use setServerUrl API, please leave this off. 2. If you have users in China Mainland, we suggest you turn this on.

Declared In


Configurable SDK thresholds and parameters


The maximum number of events that can be stored locally before forcing an upload. The default is 30 events.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int eventUploadThreshold


The maximum number of events that can be stored locally before forcing an upload. The default is 30 events.

Declared In



The maximum number of events that can be uploaded in a single request. The default is 100 events.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int eventUploadMaxBatchSize


The maximum number of events that can be uploaded in a single request. The default is 100 events.

Declared In



The maximum number of events that can be stored locally. The default is 1000 events.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int eventMaxCount


The maximum number of events that can be stored locally. The default is 1000 events.

Declared In



The amount of time after an event is logged that events will be batched before being uploaded to the server. The default is 30 seconds.

@property (nonatomic, assign) int eventUploadPeriodSeconds


The amount of time after an event is logged that events will be batched before being uploaded to the server. The default is 30 seconds.

Declared In



When a user closes and reopens the app within minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis milliseconds, the reopen is considered part of the same session and the session continues. Otherwise, a new session is created. The default is 5 minutes.

@property (nonatomic, assign) long minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis


When a user closes and reopens the app within minTimeBetweenSessionsMillis milliseconds, the reopen is considered part of the same session and the session continues. Otherwise, a new session is created. The default is 5 minutes.

Declared In



Whether to automatically log start and end session events corresponding to the start and end of a user’s session.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL trackingSessionEvents DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE ( "Use `defaultTracking.sessions` instead" )


Whether to automatically log start and end session events corresponding to the start and end of a user’s session.

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Whether to enable the default events: - sessions tracking, replacing the previous trackingSessionEvents, including session_start, session_end, default to disabled. - appLifecycles tracking, including Application Installed, Application Updated, Application Opened, Application Backgrounded, default to disabled. - deepLinks tracking, including Deep Link Opened, note you will still need to call continueUserActivity or openURL method manually, default to disabled. - screenViews tracking, including Screen Viewed, default to disabled.

@property (nonatomic, strong) AMPDefaultTrackingOptions *defaultTracking


Whether to enable the default events: - sessions tracking, replacing the previous trackingSessionEvents, including session_start, session_end, default to disabled. - appLifecycles tracking, including Application Installed, Application Updated, Application Opened, Application Backgrounded, default to disabled. - deepLinks tracking, including Deep Link Opened, note you will still need to call continueUserActivity or openURL method manually, default to disabled. - screenViews tracking, including Screen Viewed, default to disabled.

Declared In



Library name is default as amplitude-ios. Notice: You will only want to set it when following conditions are met. 1. You develop your own library which bridges Amplitude iOS native library. 2. You want to track your library as one of the data sources.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *libraryName


Library name is default as amplitude-ios. Notice: You will only want to set it when following conditions are met. 1. You develop your own library which bridges Amplitude iOS native library. 2. You want to track your library as one of the data sources.

Declared In



Library version is default as the latest Amplitude iOS SDK version. Notice: You will only want to set it when following conditions are met. 1. You develop your own library which bridges Amplitude iOS native library. 2. You want to track your library as one of the data sources.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *libraryVersion


Library version is default as the latest Amplitude iOS SDK version. Notice: You will only want to set it when following conditions are met. 1. You develop your own library which bridges Amplitude iOS native library. 2. You want to track your library as one of the data sources.

Declared In



Sets a block to be called when IDFA / AdSupport identifier is created. This is to allow for apps that do not want ad tracking to pass App Store guidelines in certain categories while still allowing apps that do ad tracking to continue to function. This block will be called repeatedly during the life of the application as IDFA is needed.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) AMPAdSupportBlock adSupportBlock


Sets a block to be called when IDFA / AdSupport identifier is created. This is to allow for apps that do not want ad tracking to pass App Store guidelines in certain categories while still allowing apps that do ad tracking to continue to function. This block will be called repeatedly during the life of the application as IDFA is needed.

This achieve the previous SDK behavior use the example as follows. It assumes you’ve handled any setup and dialogs necessary to receive permissions from the user.

Example: amplitude.adSupportBlock = ^{ return [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier]; };

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Sets a block to be called when location (latitude, longitude) information can be passed into an event. This is to allow for apps that do not want location tracking to function without defining location permission while still allowing apps that do location tracking to continue to function. This block will be called repeatedly when location information is needed for constructing an event.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) AMPLocationInfoBlock locationInfoBlock


Sets a block to be called when location (latitude, longitude) information can be passed into an event. This is to allow for apps that do not want location tracking to function without defining location permission while still allowing apps that do location tracking to continue to function. This block will be called repeatedly when location information is needed for constructing an event.

Location information is a NSDictionary with 2 keys in it, “lat” and “lng”. Example: amplitude.locationInfoBlock = ^{ return @{ @“lat” : @37.7, @“lng” : @122.4 }; };

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Content-Type header for event sending requests. Only relevant for sending events to a different URL (e.g. proxy server)

@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *contentTypeHeader


Content-Type header for event sending requests. Only relevant for sending events to a different URL (e.g. proxy server)

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Sets a block to be called after completely initialized.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) AMPInitCompletionBlock initCompletionBlock


Sets a block to be called after completely initialized.

Example: typeof(amp) weak weakAmp = amp; amp.initCompletionBlock = ^(void){ NSLog(@“deviceId: %@, userId: %@”, weakAmp.deviceId, weakAmp.userId); };

Declared In



Defer the forground check in initializeApiKey. checkInForeground need to be manually called in order to get the right config and session info if deferCheckInForeground = true has been set.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL deferCheckInForeground


Defer the forground check in initializeApiKey. checkInForeground need to be manually called in order to get the right config and session info if deferCheckInForeground = true has been set.

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